Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows(JGAAP)

(unit:million yen)

  2022.03 2023.03
Cash Flows from Operating Activities    
Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interests 8,805 8,186
Depreciation 1,675 1,803
Losses on impairment of fixed assets 504 66
Increase (decrease) in reserve for possible loan losses 551 525
Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers) 5 5
Increase (decrease) in retirement benefit obligations 124 150
Increase (decrease) in reserve for directors’ retirement benefits 1 (7)
Increase (decrease) in reserve for share-based compensation 3 38
Increase (decrease) in reserve for reimbursement deposits (11) 0
Interest income (32,347) (41,767)
Interest expenses 1,476 8,600
Securities losses (gains), net 298 772
Foreign exchange losses (gains), net (0) (2)
Losses (gains) on disposition of fixed assets 23 101
Net decrease (increase) in trading securities 107 14
Net decrease (increase) in loans and bills discounted (70,683) (8,668)
Net increase (decrease) in deposits 81,060 58,317
Net increase (decrease) in negotiable certificates of deposits 11,738 (13,818)
Net increase (decrease) in borrowed money (excluding subordinated borrowings) 59,662 (82,808)
Net decrease (increase) in due from banks (excluding due from central banks) (259) 42
Net decrease (increase) in call loans 4,793 (9,400)
Net change in call money (decrease) (4,428) 50,000
Increase (decrease) in payables under securities lending transactions 99 (1,239)
Net decrease (increase) in foreign exchange assets (1,366) (1,073)
Net increase (decrease) in foreign exchange liabilities (19) 4
Interest and dividend income 32,082 40,181
Interest expenses (1,436) (6,983)
Other–net (4,485) 4,904
Subtotal 88,074 (72,054)
Cash refunded (paid) in income taxes (3,466) (2,563)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 84,608 (74,618)
Cash Flows from Investing Activities    
Payments for purchase of securities (77,267) (111,882)
Proceeds from sale of securities 10,807 20,503
Proceeds from redemption of securities 44,276 47,430
Payments for purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,313) (1,715)
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets 120 220
Payments for purchase of intangible fixed assets (962) (508)
Net cash provided by investing activities (24,338) (45,951)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities    
Cash dividends paid (1,178) (1,177)
Cash dividends paid to non-controlling interests (8) (1)
Payments for repurchase of treasury stock (1) (1)
Decrease in subordinated borrowings (5,000)
Proceeds from sale of treasury stock 41 13
Purchase of shares of subsidiaries not resulting in change in scope of consolidation (884)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (7,030) (1,167)
Foreign currency translation adjustments 0 2
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 53,229 (121,734)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the fiscal year 286,016 339,256
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal year 339,256 217,522